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Recent Installation


Published : Thursday, February 20, 2020

01 x W555H - Electrolux Industrial Washer, 6KG
01 x W5180H - Electrolux Industrial Washer, 20KG
01 x T5130 - Electrolux Industrial Dryers, 6KG
01 x T5550 - Electrolux Industrial Dryers, 30KG
01 x Genus - Pony Industrial Finishing Table
01 x GMP200.30T - GMP Flatwork Ironer, 2M, Tenax
02 x SD3 - Electrolux Smart Dosing 3 pump LAC


This new laundry wanted to install their own Lagoon Advanced Care system and ensure they have full control over this critical part of their business. Our equipment leads the market in resource efficiency and durability. By installing industrial equipment, this customer has ensured that they will provide fantastic results for their clients.

Lagoon Advanced Care is the most sold alternative to dry-cleaning and an ECO friendly solution. The 6kg stackable set is a wonderful space saving solution and provides versatility and efficiency in processing smaller loads.